Ft. Ancient Project Completed

2018.09.30 FtAncient relocation lookingS 450x600

After being closed for about a week in the Ft. Ancient area, the trail is now open as Ohio DNR wraps up the construction projects there.

Natural meandering of the Little Miami River was undercutting the trail in that area, making it unstable. Because the Little Miami is designated a Wild and Scenic River, the trail must yield to the river. A new trail bridge, two trail relocations and about a half mile of fresh pavement from near Ft. Ancient north to Rt. 350 completes the project. Grading and seeding has also been done to reestablish the grass on the berms and limit erosion. These activities are part of ODNR's plan to ensure long-term stability of the trail and its foundation.

2018.09.30 FtAncient repaving lookingN 300x4002018.09.30 Trail Relocation near Mel Hensey Park 300x400

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